Mac User Group Singapore Meetup 05/2013

We are holding a MUGS (Mac User Group Singapore) meet up this coming Wednesday evening, the first in three years. Other than myself, there might not be anyone else attending. In the last three years, while raw numbers of Mac and iOS users have just exploded, the close-knitted Mac community some of us valued over […]

On the long Apple writing hiatus and my hatred for the world right now

Since Steve passed away, I have not found much motivation to post anything here. Furthermore, changes to various aspects of my Apple-related connections locally just made things worse. These days, I am really more depressed than anything else to have idiots berating me every time I point out factual mistakes in their Anti-Apple rants, all […]

My thoughts on business analysts (and similar humans)?

Business analysts (and similar humans) are the most useless human beings alive. Their “expertise” is to be an expert at nothing, making brief and often factually incorrect analysis on companies. They make absolutely ZERO contribution to mankind, yet consume most of the limited resources. In other words, they are not just MORONS, they are also […]

Tech Review: The iBLEAH (or at least that’s what the owner calls it)

Let me make this clear – the object being reviewed is undoubtedly a SOLID PIECE OF CRAP. I am not even going to make excuses for it. From time to time I get to see seriously weird gadgets, and by that I mean stuff that were made so badly, without any effort or thought going […]

The Birth of the Macintosh – 24 January 1986

Insanely Great.

15 years of Apple’s Homepage

Apple posts yet another record breaking quarter, AAPL down 13%

Even more proof that Wall Street and all these analysts/investors are just idiots. On the other hand, why should we bother with them in the first place? They were not here with us when the iMac was launched, neither were they here when Steve announced the original iPod. When the iPhone was released they said […]


Why is it so cheap today after the crazy spikes last year? Simple. Powerful people needed to make big money, and the only way to do it is to keep AAPL below $500.

On Tim Cook and others

Been a long long time since I last wrote here, and before I restart having more frequent appearances here I thought I will post some very short thoughts about everything happening at Apple for the past few months. On Tim Cook: There are men who are “leaders”, and there are men who are just “bosses”. […]

Remembering Steve

Today is the day that Steve Jobs passed away, a year ago. Steve was the only person I looked up to in this world, the one person driving the one company that made my life interesting while I wait for the next thing they dish up, every few months or so. For someone like me, […]


MacRyu is the Mac Blog by Singaporeans and for Singaporeans. It was started in April 2007 as a side project of the then President of the Official Mac User Group of NUS, Ryu, and grew to become possibly one of the most popular Apple-related sites based in Singapore. MacRyu hopes to provide you with more Mac-related info, thoughts and stuff, from the Singaporean perspective.

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Steve Jobs (1955-2011)


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