The M1 Mac mini – A Short Review and Unboxing

Edit: this post was supposed to come out last December, so yes it is very late. And I know we will likely have a new Mac mini in twenty four hours’ time. Yes, it is true. The M1 Mac mini has been out for a full year. Why did I buy it now? Because the […]

Apple Silicon M1 MacBook Air (Late 2020) Unboxing

I borrowed an M1-powered MacBook Air from my relative for this unboxing. If you have been paying attention to the recent MacBook Airs, this unboxing is going to look exactly the same as the ones that came before. The keyboard has the only obvious physical change with these few key changes. Battery life I have […]

Apple Silicon Macs are Not Available to Buy in Singapore Just Yet

This is not the first time IMDA has cause a delay in the purchasing of Macs in Singapore. Every time there is a significant change in the Mac’s innards or when something surprise drops (like the AirPods Pro), they are never available to order at the same time as the other countries. And this is […]

5G in Singapore with the iPhone 12 / Pro / mini / Max

Now that you have decided which iPhone 12 you will purchase (or have already purchased one), the next thing that you are likely concerned about is the network service, for one of the headlining features of the iPhone 12 series is after all, 5G. Sub-6GHz 5G in Singapore All current iPhone 12 models that are […]

Registration of Interest for iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus for all telcos

If you have missed Apple’s preorders for the new iPhones last Saturday, or if you buy your annual iPhones from the local telcos like most of us, here are the various links for registering your interest to purchase this year’s iPhones. Singtel Starhub – Preorder closes 16th Sep, 12pm. M1 – Registration now closed. Unlike […]

Singtel, Starhub, M1 Prices for iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c revealed!

Finally the last two telcos revealed their prices for the new iPhones. Below are the price comparisons at the various plans. Images sourced from HWZ. Click on the images to view in full size. Got questions about iOS 7 and the new iPhones? Visit today!

M1 and Singtel Price Plans for iPhone 5 in Singapore

Ahhhh… After a horrible day yesterday I am now sure I am switching from Singtel to M1. Why? You ask. Cause I just can’t stand Singtel’s ways anymore. Everything wrong with Singtel reflects everything that is wrong with this country. And here are the M1 prices. And here are the Singtel prices, sourced from Lester […]

iPad 3rd Generation Singapore Launch at M1 Paragon

Just some quick photos before I go to sleep. And an iPad Launch won’t be an iPad Launch without scalpers, with a big bunch of them gathering at Starbucks after purchase to get paid by the big boss. Oh and here’s my iPad. P.S. I’m going to Singapore Polytechnic in the morning for the notebook […]

The 2011 M1 iPhone 4S Launch

While I didn’t go to any of the launches myself, that doesn’t mean no one went to one on my behalf. The guy arguably is a lousy photographer with a really outdated camera phone, but it beats having nothing at all. Here’s two shots from the M1 Paragon Launch on the evening of the 27th. […]

M1’s Prices and Launch Details for iPhone 4S in Singapore

Was really waiting for all carriers to come up with their prices before posting this, but I guess I can’t be bothered to wait for Starhub. M1 was the earliest with their prices, and these were released since last Friday. M1’s launch is a first come first served event at 12am at the usual Paragon […]


MacRyu is the Mac Blog by Singaporeans and for Singaporeans. It was started in April 2007 as a side project of the then President of the Official Mac User Group of NUS, Ryu, and grew to become possibly one of the most popular Apple-related sites based in Singapore. MacRyu hopes to provide you with more Mac-related info, thoughts and stuff, from the Singaporean perspective.

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