I borrowed an M1-powered MacBook Air from my relative for this unboxing. If you have been paying attention to the recent MacBook Airs, this unboxing is going to look exactly the same as the ones that came before. The keyboard has the only obvious physical change with these few key changes. Battery life I have […]
Apple Silicon M1 MacBook Air (Late 2020) Unboxing
Posted November 19th, 2020 by Ryu at 2:51 pm in Apple Silicon Macs, MacBook Air and Unboxing. 2 CommentsApple Silicon Macs are Not Available to Buy in Singapore Just Yet
Posted November 11th, 2020 by Ryu at 10:32 pm in Apple Silicon Macs and Apple Singapore. 0 CommentsThis is not the first time IMDA has cause a delay in the purchasing of Macs in Singapore. Every time there is a significant change in the Mac’s innards or when something surprise drops (like the AirPods Pro), they are never available to order at the same time as the other countries. And this is […]
5 hours to the “One More Thing†Event
Posted November 10th, 2020 by Ryu at 9:00 pm in Apple Silicon Macs. 2 CommentsThis is finally it. T minus 5 hours before what is likely the last Apple event of 2020, and will likely be the most significant one for at least the next decade, Apple’s November 2020 event, titled “One More Thingâ€, the exact words that Steve Jobs use repeatedly to introduce the new, shiny, and most […]
WWDC 2013 predictions?
Posted June 3rd, 2013 by Ryu at 4:45 am in iOS, Mac OS X, OS X, WWDC and WWDC 2013. 0 CommentsSometimes I wonder why people even crave for such posts when everything is out there in the open, but I guess there are some who would not bother with the research. I am just going to rehash everything that is already all over the web, adding some of my opinions if necessary. 1. Completely new […]
What I want for WWDC 2012 is a new iMac and the curious case of the 15″ MacBook Pro
Posted June 11th, 2012 by Ryu at 1:42 pm in Rumors, WWDC and WWDC 2012. 0 CommentsThe past few days had seen a crazy mix of rumors about the exact new Macs that will be announced during the keynote tonight, and much of the rumors are about the big possibility that the new 15-inch Mac notebook will not be a MacBook Pro, but instead a new “MacBook”, and that the MacBook […]
Macs to be released at WWDC 2012
Posted June 6th, 2012 by Ryu at 10:38 pm in Mac Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Rumors and WWDC. 2 CommentsAppleinsider just put out an article with regards to new part numbers (Australian) for what are supposed to be the new Macs to be unveiled next week at WWDC. While Tim Cook did say during D10 that Apple will be doubling down on secrecy, when the products are actually in the final process of being […]
2011 MacBook Pros – Possibly the coolest ever?
Posted February 23rd, 2011 by Ryu at 6:42 pm in MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro and Speculation. 1 CommentSo the rumors about the new MacBook Pros releasing tomorrow night are definitely super interesting to me. Let’s first recap how and why there is so much anticipation for this MacBook Pro release, unlike the other speed bump/innards update releases over the past two years. 1. It is now 2011. Apple first introduced the unibody […]