Here’s one from Boy Genius Reports. Here’s one from Engadget about the Nexus One. Here’s one on Youtube about the Droid Incredible. Here’s another about the Palm Pre.
Video Evidence of Blackberrys, Palms, and other phones having the “iPhone 4 Antenna Problem” floods in
Posted July 19th, 2010 by Ryu at 5:31 pm in iPhone 4. 0 CommentsNokia says physical designs of its phones are secondary concerns
Posted July 18th, 2010 by Ryu at 1:34 am in Bullshit and iPhone 4. 0 CommentsLink: Nokia: ‘we prioritize antenna performance over physical design if they are ever in conflict’ — Engadget Which is exactly why they are in trouble today – they have the ugliest phones on the planet.