Recently I was in Funan for lunch and noticed something slightly different when I walked past Gamescore. MI (Multimedia Integrated) closed down. A quick check to its website revealed this; with a QQ number to facilitate the possible sale of its domain name to Xiaomi, since anyone searching for Xiaomi Singapore is likely to go […]
MI (Multimedia Integrated) Closes Down
Posted March 1st, 2015 by Ryu at 10:22 pm in Uncategorized. 2 CommentsThe Apple Store is Coming to Singapore
Posted March 11th, 2012 by Ryu at 1:22 pm in Apple Store. 20 CommentsImage Credits: RyuWorks on Flickr Fact: the Apple Store (physical) for Singapore is almost ready. For many years Japan was the only country in Asia with official Apple Stores, staffed by peeps wearing real Apple T shirts and geniuses who will solve all your Mac problems. Then the China Apple Stores happened. And then so […]