Four Years On

Thank you Steve.

Steve Jobs’ Death Anniversary 2014

It has been three years since Steve passed. As we today look at our iPhone 6es, our iPad Airs, our new Mac Pros and wait longingly for the Apple Watch, do we remember Apple as the behemoth that bought Beats, stepped repeatedly on tiny has-been Microsoft, and shows the finger to Google? Or is Apple […]

Remembering Steve Jobs 2013

It has been two years since Steve passed away from cancer. His sudden departure to every single one of us devoted fans was just devastating, the news breaking the day after a lacklustre iPhone 4S Apple event. I could still remember the events of that day two years ago and how it affected me for […]

On the long Apple writing hiatus and my hatred for the world right now

Since Steve passed away, I have not found much motivation to post anything here. Furthermore, changes to various aspects of my Apple-related connections locally just made things worse. These days, I am really more depressed than anything else to have idiots berating me every time I point out factual mistakes in their Anti-Apple rants, all […]

The Birth of the Macintosh – 24 January 1986

Insanely Great.

Remembering Steve

Today is the day that Steve Jobs passed away, a year ago. Steve was the only person I looked up to in this world, the one person driving the one company that made my life interesting while I wait for the next thing they dish up, every few months or so. For someone like me, […]

The Parities of Steve Jobs and Hyuuga Tooru in “Rich Man, Poor Woman”

Those of you who know me personally know that in addition to being an Apple freak, I am also more Japanese than most other Singaporeans. This drama season (summer, running roughly from July to September), I am addicted to “Rich Man, Poor Woman” a “Getsuku”(Fuji TV’s most famous timeslot for Japanese dramas, Monday 9pm, also […]

“Best Cases for the iPhone 4S in Singapore” review series – Fabrix Cases’ Fifth October (Steve Jobs Tribute) Sleeve for the iPhone 4S

Fabrix Cases sent me one of their latest sleeves, the special edition Fifth October sleeve. The Fifth October sleeve is a special edition sleeve designed and made as a tribute to Steve Jobs, the greatest among us who have ever lived, who gave meaning to many people’s lives, including my own. Fifth October, the name […]

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson is Out in Stores!

In other related news, Steve Jobs’ bio by Walter Isaacson has reached stores everywhere in Singapore. Kinokuniya Singapore is selling all three versions, the original US version with a glossy jacket, a UK version with a matte jacket, and a chinese version that I don’t give a damn about, at 20% off the listed prices. […]

Steve Jobs announced Medlcal Leave of Absence for the second time in two years…..

…but he will be okay. We know it. Here’s hoping he will be back as soon as possible, and that Tim Cook and the other guys don’t pull another White iPhone 4 and iPod Shuffle 3 during his absence again.


MacRyu is the Mac Blog by Singaporeans and for Singaporeans. It was started in April 2007 as a side project of the then President of the Official Mac User Group of NUS, Ryu, and grew to become possibly one of the most popular Apple-related sites based in Singapore. MacRyu hopes to provide you with more Mac-related info, thoughts and stuff, from the Singaporean perspective.

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Steve Jobs (1955-2011)


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