Apple Announced the “Apple Watch International Collection Bands” aka Olympics Bands

Apple Watch Int Collection

During the last Olympics in 2016, Apple has released a collection of limited edition Olympics woven nylon Apple Watch bands, and the expectation was that they will do the same for the 2020 Olympics as well. Of course the COVID-19 pandemic happened and the Olympics were delayed by a year, so Apple could not released their limited edition bands last year and many thought that they would be cancelled. Leaks of unreleased bands surfaced online as well.

Apple Watch Int Collection

Fret not, Apple has now introduced what they now call the “Apple Watch International Collection” set of Apple Watch Sport Loops, and instead of restricting them to pop-up Apple Stores in the host country like in 2016, the whole collection is now online and available for anyone to order (since most of the world will not be able to enter Japan) at the usual 69 Singapore Dollars.

Apple Watch Int Collection

There are a bunch of nice colors, like the Jamaica one, that I like and will be looking at picking up. Will you be buying one? They are supposed to be limited, but like Black Unity Sport Band, it is likely that stocks will be available for the next few months at least (depending on the specific color I suppose).

Shop the International Collection here.


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