Apple tablet/device (iSlate?) will reach consumers’ hands in late Feb

According to a source with one of the key suppliers of components for the Apple tablet/device, there will be enough units produced by late Feb that Apple might start fulfilling the earliest orders by late Feb. However, most consumers should only expect to get their hands on one earliest in March.

This falls in line with some of the other rumors we have been hearing so far, personally I will place my bet on this one.

Will you buy one if it is not released immediately after the (alleged) keynote on 26th Jan 2010?

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Geoff Liang
15 years ago

I'd think it'll be on 26 Jan (27 our time) but little birds have been saying that it'll be held on 27 Jan actually (the horrors).

I'm gonna put my finger on April. A friend of mine though, is hoping that Steve will say the killer phrase: “And it will be shipping today.” I ain't gonna expect that, but will laugh if he does.

15 years ago
Reply to  Geoff Liang

I too would have said that April seems more likely if I never spoke to my source.


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