Here’s one from Boy Genius Reports. Here’s one from Engadget about the Nexus One. Here’s one on Youtube about the Droid Incredible. Here’s another about the Palm Pre.
Video Evidence of Blackberrys, Palms, and other phones having the “iPhone 4 Antenna Problem” floods in
Posted July 19th, 2010 by Ryu at 5:31 pm in iPhone 4. 0 CommentsApple Presentation on the iPhone 4 Antenna Non-Issue (video)
Posted July 18th, 2010 by Ryu at 1:46 am in iPhone 4. 0 CommentsLink: Apple – QuickTime – July 16 Press Conference The presentation itself and more information about the iPhone 4 antenna non-issue
HTC denies existence of HTC antenna issues despite video evidence
Posted July 18th, 2010 by Ryu at 1:42 am in Bullshit and iPhone 4. 0 CommentsLink: HTC Chimes in on Jobs’ antenna assertions | 9 to 5 Mac “I don’t know, guys, I don’t know how to hold an HTC device to make it lose a perfectly good reception…. ;-)” Really? What’s this then?
Nokia says physical designs of its phones are secondary concerns
Posted July 18th, 2010 by Ryu at 1:34 am in Bullshit and iPhone 4. 0 CommentsLink: Nokia: ‘we prioritize antenna performance over physical design if they are ever in conflict’ — Engadget Which is exactly why they are in trouble today – they have the ugliest phones on the planet.
RIM cries foul after Apple’s video evidence
Posted July 18th, 2010 by Ryu at 1:25 am in Bullshit and iPhone 4. 0 CommentsLink: RIM responds to Apple’s antenna press conference “Apple’s attempt to draw RIM into Apple’s self-made debacle is unacceptable. Apple’s claims about RIM products appear to be deliberate attempts to distort the public’s understanding of an antenna design issue and to deflect attention from Apple’s difficult situation. RIM is a global leader in antenna design […]
New iMacs to have USB 3.0 and Firewire 3200?
Posted July 16th, 2010 by Ryu at 4:19 pm in iMac, Mac Pro and Rumors. 0 : Le “Macbidouille” in English – [Rumour] Some little tidbits on the MacPro and the iMac Hardmac reports that we will see the next iMac and Mac Pro at the “end of summer”, which is around the August/September timeframe. We should also see USB 3.0 and Firewire 1600/3200 ports in the new iMacs and […]
iPhone 4 launching on 28th July in Singapore?
Posted July 9th, 2010 by Ryu at 12:35 pm in iPad, iPhone, iPhone 4, Rumors and Singapore. 1 CommentSo so so so so so so…… According to some rumor sites, the second round of international iPhone 4 launches, which the Singapore launch will be part of,, will be on the 28th July 2010. And we are hearing that preorders might start on the 21st. iPad rumors – preorders on the 14th, sales around […]
iPhone 4 in Singapore
Posted June 17th, 2010 by Ryu at 5:11 am in Apple Singapore, iPhone, iPhone 4 and Singapore. 1 CommentI’m sure this is no big news, but according to at least 2 different inside sources and another well-informed source, a shipment of iPhone 4s are already on Singapore shores since more than a week or two ago and more than a couple of people have already touched the phone. Oh and the lucky Apple […]
Randy Ubilos is a legend – Not a Ex-Microsoft Employee. You have him to thank for Final Cut Pro and everything else besides Avid’s ridiculously expensive crap.
Posted May 19th, 2010 by Ryu at 11:58 pm in Arguments and Final Cut Studio. 10 CommentsSurfing through Macrumors today got me agitated for a bit.
MacBook and MacBook Pro pricings are now at their lowest in their entire history in Singapore. Cheapest MacBooks and MacBook Pros ever!
Posted May 18th, 2010 by Ryu at 10:50 pm in MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro and Notebooks. 1 CommentWith the release of the latest MacBook (the white one, in case some of you still can’t tell the differences between the MacBook and the MacBook Pro lines), the prices for the MacBooks and the MacBook Pros are officially at their lowest for as long as I could remember.