MacBook and MacBook Pro pricings are now at their lowest in their entire history in Singapore. Cheapest MacBooks and MacBook Pros ever!

With the release of the latest MacBook (the white one, in case some of you still can’t tell the differences between the MacBook and the MacBook Pro lines), the prices for the MacBooks and the MacBook Pros are officially at their lowest for as long as I could remember.

The MacBook Pro’s pricing was already adjusted early last month when the whole line was updated, and the MacBook is now following suit.

Up till yesterday, the MacBook was going for S$1588, with the update it’s now S$1488, a total of a hundred dollars off. And that’s S$1388 if you are a student or a staff at an educational institution.

Three years ago if you tell me you can get a brand new MacBook at below S$1.4k i would have told you to go see a shrink. But things changed. For the better.

At S$1488 the MacBook is a superb deal, especially when you consider that the Back to School promo, which Apple runs annually around the end May to early Sep timeframe, is just around the corner. For the Back to School promo, when you buy a Mac and a iPod Touch together, the cost of the iPod Touch is refunded to you completely – you get a free iPod Touch!

The entry model MacBook Pro however, is a much better deal than the MacBook for anyone looking for 4GB of ram instead of 2GB ram, at just S$260 more it features the following, which the MacBook doesn’t have;

1. Backlit Keyboard
2. Aluminum Unibody Construction, thus a lighter weight
3. External Battery Indicator
4. SD Card slot
5. IR port, to be used with an Apple Remote
6. 4GB ram instead of 2GB ram (If you self upgrade from 2GB to 4GB it will cost you at least S$160, thus for another $100 you get all of the above)

I am foreseeing a new wave of first-time Mac owners in the next three months.

P.S. Why, oh why isn’t the MacBook Air updated yet? We hope it will be done sooner than later.


MacRyu is the Mac Blog by Singaporeans and for Singaporeans. It was started in April 2007 as a side project of the then President of the Official Mac User Group of NUS, Ryu, and grew to become possibly one of the most popular Apple-related sites based in Singapore. MacRyu hopes to provide you with more Mac-related info, thoughts and stuff, from the Singaporean perspective.

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