iOne Plus + BBoM 1000 plan possible

Which is probably easily the best plan for most people out there. This basically refutes my original argument about them restricting BBoM for iPhone to the ridiculously low data BBoM Plus. The best data plans will a combination of a iOne/iTwo/iThree plan with a BBoM 1000, since it has been proven that the average speeds […]

Softbank iPhone 3G Launch Video

Singtel Launch a crazy success despite unpopular plans

Singtel’s launch last night attracted “thousands of customers” just last night alone, with some customers queueing up for as long as 5 hours just to buy the phone. More updates once I sorted out the photos.

Anyone interested to go Comcenter tonight to boo the event?

Anyone? Sound out here if interested. Childish, but at least it allows us to vent our frustrations a bit.

Sad days……

Buying an Apple product shouldn’t be this stressful/saddening. I will not be getting the iPhone from $ingtel. Edit: Eventually I did get the iPhone from $ingtel, since it was possible to get the standard BBoM 1000 plan for the iPhone, and my brother was basically pestering me for my Aluminum iPhone.

Singtel’s message to Singapore “Give us your money you freaking idiots”

What the hell is wrong with Singtel? In its FAQ page for the iPhone, they stated that one can buy the iPhone by signing up for a normal voice plan. For data, they referred to the standard Broadband on Mobile (BBoM) plans page. These plans have a cap of 50 GB. However, in another page, […]

Singtel officially announces iPhone plans

As expected, Singtel made official their iPhone plans tonight. You can check out the plans here but they are not too different from what was originally leaked this afternoon. I am going for the iOne plan and will be paying $850 singapore dollars for an originally advertised as USD$299 phone. Then again, if you consider […]

Boycott iPhone this friday! *Edited* (Oh Whatever! iOne plan with iPhone is decent. iFlexi plans are crap.

This is a call out to all potential iPhone buyers this friday. We should be boycott these nonsensical plans and prices! If Singtel doesn’t have enough buyers this friday, their launch will be marred. We should let Singtel know that Singaporeans are not just a bunch of “carrot heads”. P.S. Speaking after the initial anger, […]

Fuck Singtel

Judging from the response on twitter after the news of the Singtel iPhone plans broke, we only have one thing to say. FUCK U SINGTEL. No wonder they don’t want to release the prices yet. They are afraid of a Rogers-like backlash here.

Leaked info about Singtel’s iPhone plans

Taken from the hardwarezone forums, leinad(moderator) posted; “Three new data plans (all prices with GST) iFlexi Value – $56 – 300 MB Data – 200 Mins Outgoing Voice – 500 SMS iFlexi Plus – $95 – 500 MB Data – 500 Mins Outgoing Voice – 500 SMS iFlexi Premium – $205 – 1500 MB Data […]


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