The Brick

Introducing the Brick. October 14.

Microsoft’s “I’m a PC” ads – Paid by Microsoft, Created FOR Microsoft, by Mac users

Cult of Mac reports that metadata on the creative copy of the photos appearing on Microsoft’s “I’m a PC” website reveals that they were made on Macs running CS3. When exposed, Microsoft scrambled to destroy the metadata overnight. Here’s the picture proof. What can I say? Seems that Microsoft’s own ads aren’t convincing enough for […]

Anwar uses a Mac

Not to be political here, but just look at this. Nice.

Tech65’s 65 bits podcast No. 87: Hadoken

Sorry for posting so so so so so so so late! But yeah, the guys at tech65 invited me again to be on their show last Saturday, and while the podcast has been posted since Monday, I have yet to mention it here. So, here it is!

Fake 4th gen iPod Nano “leaked image”

How fake? Totally fake. Whoever took this picture just used one of those fake Chinese-made “MP4” Nano-lookalikes available for cheap in Sim Lim Square and stuffed it in a 2nd Gen Nano case. Big deal. Too fake. Edit: For the moron who called me an idiot while saying that the above photograph is real, take […]

Mojave: Microsoft to all Windows users “Haha you are all freaking idiots!”

Old news, but interesting nonetheless. Microsoft Watch(a M$ fanboi site essentially)’s Joe Wilcox comes up with five reasons why the “Mojave Experiment” by Microsoft’s attempt to revive Vista’s image failed terribly. In his own words; “1. Microsoft treats its customers like they’re stupid. 2. Microsoft embarrasses Mojave participates. 3. The marketing campaign blames customers for […]

Rumors, more rumors

Did I say I was lazy? I am. Just to “do my job” and provide a list of Apple rumors out there right now. 1. Apple Special Event on Sep 9th. 2. Revamped iPod line, huge price drops for all iPods, significant design changes for iPod Nano (as usual). 3. MacBook, MacBook Pro redesigns. All […]

GadgetDotRed’s Report on Singtel iPhone Launch

Since I’m still too lazy to do a write-up on the Singtel iPhone launch, I’ll just link all of you to GadgetDotRed’s coverage for now.

The Dangers of getting an iPhone without a data plan/pack

So Singtel finally released the iPhone. While they are touting their iFlexi plans, they also had the courtesy to make the iPhone available to new and existing customers with voice-only plans, such as the iOne, iTwo and iThree plans (which I got) and the classic plans. Singtel also kindly “suggested” that customers who opted for […]

MacRyu on Tech65’s 65bits and Channel 65 podcasts

Was invited by the cool dudes at Tech 65 to be on their 85th episode of 65 bits, Singapore’s premiere tech podcast. Check out the podcast here. Was also on their video coverage of the iPhone launch on Channel 65.


MacRyu is the Mac Blog by Singaporeans and for Singaporeans. It was started in April 2007 as a side project of the then President of the Official Mac User Group of NUS, Ryu, and grew to become possibly one of the most popular Apple-related sites based in Singapore. MacRyu hopes to provide you with more Mac-related info, thoughts and stuff, from the Singaporean perspective.

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