Quick update on the Singtel iPhone news

Just a quick update on the Singtel iPhone news we got several weeks earlier. According to sources, the announcement/news might have been released to the media by a certain someone from Club21’s iShop, and might not be that accurate after all. So is the iPhone coming in September or not? We hope so. Will report […]

Friend me links

Added some Friend Me links for those of you interested to follow me on Twitter and other social networking sites

Interview with creator of gold MacBooks

The Apple Core has a interview of the creator of the gold MacBooks from Computer Choppers. Will be interesting for those who wants gold and chrome on all your Macs. Check it out here

Short Hiatus

I know I have not been posting for the past few weeks, so here is the announcement that MacRyu.com will be on a short hiatus until early May. This is because I am working on something interesting. You will know soon.

Write-ups on old Macs

Anyone has a nice collection of old Macs that you are still putting in use? Will love to do a write-up/video podcast about them. Interested parties sound off in the comments please. Singapore only. Hehz.

Quake 3 on the iPhone

Hah this rocks! Now tell me, when will I be able to play Call of Duty on my iPhone?

3G iPhone in June

Proxy reporting here. As the rumors go, we should be expecting a 3G version of the iPhone just before June hits. My take on this? I don’t really care. Maybe if they include a camera at the front of the iPhone so that you can better take pics of yourself then…… Here’s a video of […]

Adobe should burn in hell

Photoshop sucks. Adobe sucks. Everyone gets a kick out of pirating Adobe software, just like how everyone does with each pirated copy of Microsoft software. No 64-bit Photoshop for Mac till CS5? You know what, Adobe? You can keep your CS5 for yourself and your Microsoft bitches. Photoshop will become irrelevant in 2 years. Die. […]

Long Hiatus and some updates

Sorry for the long hiatus. There really hasn’t been much news-worthy Mac news to report, and I am also currently working on a new project that I hope will be ready soon. On the international front, more news about our favorite Jesus phone. Besides the obvious Singtel news flooding the international Mac news headlines a […]

Official iPhone carrier in Singapore confirmed to be Singtel

As from our earlier rumors, Singtel is indeed the official iPhone carrier in Singapore. They have apparently clinched the deal after agreeing to a revenue sharing deal with Apple. Expect more news to be out soon. As for now, the word is that we will see the iPhone here in September 2008, the 8GB model […]

About MacRyu.com

MacRyu is the Mac Blog by Singaporeans and for Singaporeans. It was started in April 2007 as a side project of the then President of the Official Mac User Group of NUS, Ryu, and grew to become possibly one of the most popular Apple-related sites based in Singapore. MacRyu hopes to provide you with more Mac-related info, thoughts and stuff, from the Singaporean perspective.

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MacRyu is welcoming sponsored posts to offset the cost of hosting this site. Do email Ryu to make a fair offer, we will be most willing to consider your offer. COVID-19 has not been kind, and MacRyu appreciates all help to keep the site running.

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