Local Polytechnics allow Mac sales, but insisted that Windows be used instead

According to a very reliable source, all the local polytechnics this year are finally opening up their notebook tender to Apple resellers, with one little catch – Windows is required. Apparently their aim is to only allow Windows machines to join their wireless networks. So why allow the Apple tender in the first place? The […]

Apple skipping Singapore for iPhone launch?

We all know what the main hurdles to having an official iPhone launch in Singapore are. 1. Setting up an iTunes Store for Singapore 2. Breaking the local laws on locking handphones to a single provider Well, seems that the hurdles are too high a barrier for Apple to break in order to sell iPhones […]

Japanese engineers are jealous about the MacBook Air and declared it full of shit

This link features a bunch of Japanese engineers whining about how bad the internal designs of the MacBook Air is. Their complaints? 1. Too much screws resulting in “great increase” in cost 2. Argued that there are alternatives to the MacBook Air’s design which will lower the cost, but they themselves could not provide any […]

Apple Singapore restricts intake of MacBook Airs

According to a very dependable source, Apple Singapore is not allowing any of the local resellers to mass order the Air despite very high demand for the ultra-portable Mac notebook. According to Apple Singapore’s Channel Manager, they are only giving 2 to 3 machines to resellers who have expressed wishes to order more than 20 […]

Apple Store is down. New iPhones in an hour.

Just as I declare on my MSN nick ever since yesterday, new iPhones will be announced around 9pm Singapore time tonight. It’s 8pm. And the Apple Store is down.


How can one push adoption of podcasts in an Asian country? Any suggestions?

MUGS January Meetup

Photo courtesy of onebear.

The Mystery of MacBookAir.com

Before the release of the MacBook Air at Macworld Expo 2008, the various rumors surrounding the MacBook Air were using various facts as their evidence that the MacBook Air actually exists. One of these “evidences” was the registration of MacBookAir.com. Macrumors forums had numerous threads about how the domain was actually registered days before the […]


When will my MacBook Air arrive? I sit in front of my iMac wondering…… And wondering…… Will be great if I can have it before CNY.

MacBook Air haters can suck my dick

Delicious Monster’s Chief Monster Wil Shipley shares my sentiments on MacBook Air haters. MacBook Air haters can suck my cock! (Actually they can’t. :P)

About MacRyu.com

MacRyu is the Mac Blog by Singaporeans and for Singaporeans. It was started in April 2007 as a side project of the then President of the Official Mac User Group of NUS, Ryu, and grew to become possibly one of the most popular Apple-related sites based in Singapore. MacRyu hopes to provide you with more Mac-related info, thoughts and stuff, from the Singaporean perspective.

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