Fake 4th gen iPod Nano “leaked image”

How fake? Totally fake. Whoever took this picture just used one of those fake Chinese-made “MP4” Nano-lookalikes available for cheap in Sim Lim Square and stuffed it in a 2nd Gen Nano case.

Big deal.

Too fake.

Edit: For the moron who called me an idiot while saying that the above photograph is real, take a look at this photo of the REAL NANO 4G from engadget. Unless you are seriously blind I’m pretty sure you can tell the damn difference.

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16 years ago

Not fake, look at the new 4th gen, idiot.

16 years ago

Hey hi. Well, if you don't mind me saying this, i guess you are the idiot instead. Either you are completely blind or you are too dumb to tell that the aspect ratio and stuff is totally wrong.

Sorry for the profanities.

15 years ago

Thank you

14 years ago

Its really cool, I came to know this really worth visiting, just bookmarked your site.

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