iShop is dead

So it finally came.

For the past few months, rumors have been floating around that iShop was going to shut its doors and leave the Apple business forever. There are people who doubt the rumors, saying that there is no way in hell that someone as famous as the person who made F1 in Singapore possible was going to close down his Apple business(technically iShop, together with Club21, belonged to Christina Ong, not Ong Beng Seng, but let’s not bother with the details).

However, since about a year or so ago, iShop’s performance has been going down the drain.

iShop, once “Asia’s biggest Apple Reseller”, was never one of the more popular Apple Premium Resellers in Singapore, constantly losing out to Epicenter and Multimedia Integrated in terms of sales. Few knew about iShop’s location as well, as Epicenter has the advantage of being the nearest to the Orchard MRT station and the history of being “Applecentre Orchard”.

Despite all these disadvantages, iShop HAD quality service, HAD staff who knew the local Apple market, HAD finances and connections that made them a very close partner with Apple Singapore, being entrusted with Apple training for the region, and being one of only two educational suppliers in Singapore for Apple.

iShop’s main mistake was probably its management. The management put in place at iShop was one that is highly experienced in FASHION AND APPAREL sales, not computer sales. They also failed to promote their talented sales staff, losing allmany of them in the past two years to Apple resellers such as Cathay Photo and Epicenter. Wrong decisions(regarding sales commissions) were made in the hope of stopping the neverending losses the physical shop made, resulting in loss of morale, followed by a huge drop in quality of service.

Servicing-side wise, the story was most likely roughly the same. There had been a constant decrease in numbers of Mac users who are willing to send in their faulty Macs to iShop, instead opting for the more famous Epicenter (servicing done by Sapura) and eServ/Micro2000 (who provides probably the better service experience compared to other Apple service centres locally). iShop also stopped most of their outreach to local institutions the last time I checked.

Furthermore, in recent years, with the increase in numbers of smaller sized Apple resellers such as iStudio, conveniently located in neighborhoods and prominent locations, there was absolutely no need for anyone to go to iShop to do their servicing or to buy Apple accessories. iShop became the local “Apple Museum”, where people go to play with their Macs, take a look around and leave without buying anything.

When iShop started, it showed much promise, with many hoping that it could overtake Epicenter as the more popular Apple Premium Reseller (many today still hate Epicenter to the core for its practices). Alas, it was a sad tale of lost opportunities and wrong decisions.

Now, hopefully I can get some nice deals at the firesale……

P.S. This post was written with information that I acquired personally, should there be errors I am most willing to be corrected.

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[…] – iShop is dead # var disqus_url = ‘ ‘; var […]

15 years ago

Great writeup Ryu, and thanks for the insight. I linked back here 🙂

15 years ago kinda spoiled alot of outreach to school programmes but offering free stuff thus other competitiong vendors are feeling the pinch. It lost its cool factor a while becus they hope skools would engage their services after they offer a free trail but as time go by they themselves realise they r being made used.

at the same time, wat is wit this dj accredited course which they offer?
so wat they r accredited by MDA, now ISHOP is closed alot of frens are fuming abt it becus thier cert is useless

so all i got 2 say is F Ishop

15 years ago

Can anyone tell me which mac store is trustable? Which ones are APR?

15 years ago
Reply to  Dren

They also failed to promote their talented sales staff, losing all of them in the past two years. This statement is the truth and a real fact. If they promote their talented staff and management ishop will still standing.

15 years ago
Reply to  hadi

Hi hadi, trustable is go to if you want a good service and no hard selling attitude or mislead of information. Do the survey on APR in Orchard road and narrow down the best experience and make that shop your regular place.

15 years ago

Well,i wouldn't say ishop didn't promote their talented staff.those that were not promoted,well,like the one who has bad breath like a stink hole and joined a real estate business(then failed terribly) and went back crawling to join a certain APR based in orchard area?such undesirable person can't be promoted,isn't it?or a certain sales staff who was stalking a young girl and kept hounding her to watch a movie with her until her parents came down wanting to get that “certain” sales staff sack?And iShop actually covered it up for him and let him continue working there,although his chances of getting promoted is dashed.This type of complaints…are just redundant.Kinda sad to think that way.I felt sorry for him.

15 years ago

all good things must come to an end

15 years ago
Reply to  Guest

i know who you are, face the fact. At lease i'm not somebody dog lol. Real Estate is a Challenging job. I see the figure and success.Never put words in someone mouth. Im not crawling back To APR. i given a choice to join and offer a better pay package. Ishop where politician rules. Why must i stay and get corrupted and fail. Face the fact my friend you loose. Read the article carefully word by word sentence by sentence . Lot of things happen and whole nation know it and predicted will fail. Incident where a full time staff show his power and get a part timer which a lady get dismissed because he a full time and have back up. Under MOM rules both should be dismissed. still ishop cover it up. Another case where a staff pocket $500 doing under table job when a cashier discover from a customer unrecorded transaction and he quickly cover by fork up his own pocket and cover it up. Ishop still cover it up. I very happy that i left that place and happy it over at lease i still in APR and how about you where you heading to.Before you measure others look in the mirror. Let MacRyu be the judge.

15 years ago

Your English…your english!If it is not from Oxford,it won't do!

15 years ago
Reply to  Guest

No wonder never get promoted with grammar like that…

15 years ago

Well,seems like someone needs to go for grammar lessons.Wonder how is he communicating with others?What is it like?….hmmmmmm…..

15 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Hahaha must be all from ishop. Write-up by MacRyu. Just read it. He just sharing and why you guys unhappy about. There always happy ending. He win. what you all gain. He not the one to be bitching around.

15 years ago
Reply to  ian

Well you guys are wrong. How to get promoted in iShop. When you not in the same kampong. I happy i left ishop. Correction i join real estate because i want to see the real world. i never fail in real estate. I decided to quite real estate because i think of my kid and my family. I join back apple premium reseller because i graduate in Supervision course. Why waste it. I show my talent and climb the ladder. Why you guys so angry about. im just sharing this website.i not the writer.Is it wrong for me to post a comment in this site. My honest opinion i hate working in ishop. All the true colors reveal. My last 2 months before completing my course. They convert me to part-time with hourly rate and have a full-time benefit. i calculate with my hour rate plus my comm i bring back my full time basic(base on hit above individual 60% target). Piss.There no meet up with hr on this matters and no options. How would you feels when you have family to feed. Even i was told after my graduation the no place for me. i focus on my real estate and i see the $$$$$ coming . Sept 08 i join APR.They recognize my certificate and recommendation ( im not crawling as what Guest claim). I joining back because i want regular pay and make my daughter and my family happy. I heard ishop closing i feel very sad. I still have good friends who currently working. I visited them. Show them how happy i am with my current company and my role in the company. You be the judge. Well if i hurt you honestly i am sorry. Those who bite the chill feel the spice. Get a ice cold water. My grammar is poor i agreed. I have the balls to tell you who i am. There nothing to be afraid off. I do nothing wrong. Just a comment post . Make him angry. hahah

15 years ago
Reply to  Arif

you know why ishop convert you to a part timer instead? because you fail your basic english. you dont even meet the “ORDINARY LEVEL” OF CAMBRIDGE (in short, your O levels.) I do pity the APR who hired you as their supervisor, because your level of national language (English) is a disaster. Anyway, Arif (inferred from your name), the course you went to is not 'supervision course'. Instead, it is supervisor course. Oh man, if I were you, I will hide myself in a hole when I got my course wrongly.

15 years ago
Reply to  Dawn

Ya ya! I must apply for the “Supervision Course”. New in the market….In the future, i can apply for a supervisor position and get it easily….

Oooo oooh….yah….then bite the “chill and feel the spice”. K k…i learn a new phrase….cool cool! Arif you're the man ah! Which school you go huh??? In the future, i want to enrol my kids there….


15 years ago
Reply to  Jack

This post should be change from “iShop is dead” to “English is dead”….. 🙂

15 years ago
Reply to  Dawn

Hey Dawn not spelling error. Definitions of supervision

1. [n] – management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group

2. [n] – management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group. Hahhaha Who hide in the hole now.

15 years ago
Reply to  Jack

is your name jack the jerking or jack the ass hole. if you want to upgrade yourself log on

I feel sad or your kids.

Supervision means the act of watching over the work or tasks of another who may lack full knowledge of the concept at hand. Supervision does not mean control of another but guidance in a work, professional or personal context.

15 years ago
Reply to  Dawn

is sad that you do not know what supervision mean. Let me teach you

15 years ago
Reply to  Arif

It fun to entertain bunch of Monkeys. Hahahahaha. Guys what the end result.If you feel the urge to criticize, ask yourself what you hope to accomplish and the urge will usually go away. If someone has done something and it works, why criticize it? If it doesn't work, how does criticizing it help? Either help resolve the problem or shut up and get out of the way.Moral of the Story: It is easier to criticize, but difficult to improve.

15 years ago

Just to clarify some things here;

1. I don't mind anyone posting comments here so please continue as usual

2. I have absolutely no idea who Arif is(no offense), and I am definitely not referring to Arif when I penned the statement “they also failed to promote their talented sales staff…”.

15 years ago
Reply to  ryuworks

To Arif….. good job at cut and pasting. I doubt that is your english.

15 years ago

I know the word is Supervision,arif.No doubt about that.i have good written and spoken command of english.But supervision course?wow.I didn't know that.i think i learnt a new course.courtesy of arif.

15 years ago
Reply to  Arif

Oooo….Supervision also requires to go for course…So far the courses i went are all called “Supervisory Course”….I only just heard that now theres a “Supervision Course”….

I do know about the word “Supervision”…Thanks for highlighting me about that.

Just that you're not using the word at the correct sentence/phrase.

Don't you get it. From the comments and replies that you get, is all sarcasm.

I find it amusing that you can still continue and humiliate yourself here….tsk tsk…

I would want to upgrade myself in the future, just that to a correct and proper place to get educated. And as for my future kids, i would love to avoid the school that you attend. My god….who was your teacher back then…can you go please shoot yourself and your teacher in the head.

Anyway are you still doing that sexist joke on your female colleague? Ahaha….

And I wonder how your present company actually count the amount of time you actually spent on the sales floor what with all your smoke breaks and all…..

Ah! With regards about the family issue, a quote from one of the comments i saw previously “or a certain sales staff who was stalking a young girl and kept hounding her to watch a movie with her until her parents came down”…..hmmmm…doing that while you already have a family….i feel sorry for your wife. you should be staying at home spending more time with them rather then flirting around.

Last but not least, i got a feeling that you got some issues with iShop. This is not just issues but personal ones…So keep your personal issues to yourself.

iShop is already closing. End of story, nothing will change regardless of what you say here. If you really have the balls (from quote; “I have the balls to tell you who i am.” ) Well Arif…The staff of iShop is more then happy to meet you on a one to one session to discuss about your unhappiness and problems. You do know who to look for right? You know them…( quote: “i know who you are” )

Feel free to pop by ( LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO! ) and say hi and talk to us….We are more then willing to listen.

Thank you…

*PS: MacRyu or Ryuworks, sorry for using this space of yours to have some kind of small argument. Somebody just have to start the ball rolling.

15 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Supervision, is a verb. A verb is a doing word. Well, no point pasting wikipedia website for me as all scholars or knowledgeable people will know that wikipedia is not reliable.

What is a verb. Retrieved June 23, 2009, from

Yes, if you are a supervisor, you will be doing supervision. However, you do not go for supervision course, because the course is tittled 'supervisor course' or 'supervisory course', whichever is it.

Arif, go back into my asshole now.

15 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Arif, go back to your hole.

Supervision is a verb. (In case you do not understand) A verb is an action word.

Thus, you are trying to tell me that you went for a course, which taught you an action? Or, are you trying to tell me that you went for a course and taught you what supervisory or supervisor, are all about?

What is a verb. Retrieved 22 June, 2009, from

Arif, you are a monkey too. Monkey calling monkey. You got everyone entertained. You are just a laughing stock.

With your standard of English, you got the cheek to teach me what is supervision all about?


Also, I am glad that iShop did not promote you. Promoting a staff who hound on a young girl, and had caused a commotion out of this, brings SHAME TO ISHOP.

Oh well. You better pray that your wife and daughter will never hop onto this website.

Also Arif, I think you should take up this course.

NTUC LearningHub – English courses in Singapore. Retrieved June 22, 2009, from….

A little note to you, please do start from beginner.

15 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Hi Jack, Don't worry or fret about something that happened in the past? Let the past be the past and move on? Do you know where this came from? Thank you for the invitation . lets clear the air jack. the joker who have the personal issue not me. i penned the statement and share. I'm not talented. The one who have the personal issue is Guest 5 days ago.
ask him.He the one criticize and he the one create this fire. i do not care about the promotion in ishop. i resign from ishop not because of promotion is because of my pay structure($800 + bring back). During my conversion of being part time, my moral very low and i seek his advice. He show me the path. His positive advice i resign from ishop. Every time i am there wanted to say thank you of showing me the right path. i have better things to take care off. We are adults behave like one. I just wanted to know who is this guy call Guest post 5 days ago. The allegation he created. i just defending my right. Jack as a gentlemen let me know who is this joker. Love to treat him for lunch or dinner. Ask him which restaurant he like and the bills on me. If he have the balls. cheers

15 years ago

hey, is not a is the darn fact.If in the first place you didn't said iShop didn't promote its sale staff according,this wouldn't happened.You started the ball rolling and poor thing,you found yourself kicking your the rustled the hornet's nest and found yourself in deep shit.Next time,just do yourself a favour.Keep your stinkhole shut.Brush up your english before you comment on anything.In the future,do not bite the hand that feeds u in the past.Darn ingrate.(Please do help yourself to the spell check and “cut & copy” thingy that you always do.Get a life and “spend more time with your family,working in retail hours,if you know what it means,which i doubt so.)Haha.Loser.

15 years ago

To Arif,

1. Do something about ur hair. (yun nam haircare)
2. Do something about ur teeth. (brush ur teeth every morning)
3. Do something about ur sexual hormones. (dont date young girls)

Thank you Handsome berg!

15 years ago
Reply to  Arif

Arif, challenging if people have balls are passe.

You should suck your own balls and swallow it.
you should pray that your wife and daughter will not hop onto this website.
you should reflect upon on yourself when iShop didnt promote you because promoting your bring shame!
you should sign youself up for English course instead.
you should know that wikipedia is not a reliable website for knowledge.
you should know that supervision is a verb.
you should know that a verb is an action word.



15 years ago
Reply to  Transformer

Arif, you should go back to your hole and hide there.

Supervision is a verb. Verb is an action word.
What is a verb? Retrieved June 23, 2009, from

Supervision course? LAUGH OUT LOUD! Are you trying to tell me that you are being sent to learn about a movement, or are you trying to tell me that you are being sent to learn what supervisor/supervisory, are all about?

Arif, challenging people via asking them if they have balls are passé. Also, I thought you know who the guest was? Why are you asking who he/she is now? Useless shit.

I am glad that iShop did not promote you. Imagine, a supervisor hounding a young girl till the parents came down and demand to get him sack, brings shame to iShop.


Well, you should also sign up this course.

Oh, please do choose beginner.

Arif, you should also pray that your wife and daughter do not hop onto this website.

15 years ago
Reply to  Jill

Hi Jill, this is not Arif. LOL.

15 years ago
Reply to  Jack

Hi Jack, no problems at all. ^_^

15 years ago

When is the firesale going to be?

15 years ago
Reply to  dennis

I think it's already ongoing.

15 years ago
Reply to  Dawn

Dawn,i dunno who you are,but please refrain from using strong and complicated words.Poor Arif have to wikipedia almost all the words u have written in your comment post.Please do not do that again.It is a drag to wait for him to reply.But then again,i would LOVE to read his replies no matter how long it takes cause it just trickles me with his “lower than primary school standard” english.Oh,shucks,so sorry,arif.i use the difficult word,”trickle”.But you can WIKIPEDIA it if you want.i wouldn't want to waste my time explaining to you.* roll eyes*


[…] First time a post at has more than 30 comments! LOL!!! […]

15 years ago
Reply to  dennis

4 days to go.

15 years ago
Reply to  dani

Ghost Town. Ishop close tomorrow?

15 years ago

I consider iShop the best retail mac shop in Singapore, sadly, it has to go.

I too, realized about its bad location.

I hope iShop will reopen again (very unlikely to happen) in a much more desirable place.

Xiong Mi
Xiong Mi
15 years ago

I am very angry that ishop conned me so much $ for their stupid DJ course & Certs

15 years ago
Reply to  dav

are you sure you are in sales? i thought people in sales have to be able to express themselves coherently. from the lack of proper punctuation and pauses, i can hardly make out what you're trying to say.

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[…] In the old days, MI was one of the big boys in the local Apple retail scene, together with iShop and Epicentre. Epicentre became a big shot, and we all knew what happened to iShop. […]


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