I rarely speak well of anything that comes out of Redmond, but this is an exception. This guy is spot on in his portrayal of Google’s act of war. An Open Letter from the President of the United States of Google
Microsoft: “An Open Letter from the President of the United States of Google”
Posted January 15th, 2011 by Ryu at 7:32 pm in Google is Evil. 0 CommentsOn the whole Google Chrome dropping H.264 support to start another format war fiasco
Posted January 15th, 2011 by Ryu at 7:27 pm in Arguments, Google and Google is Evil. 0 CommentsI wanted to write something myself but this article seems to sum it up pretty well. Google, H.264 and Video on the Web Fact to remember – Chrome is an insignificant browser in terms of market share, Safari and Internet Explorer have way bigger market share on mobile and desktop. However, if Google pulls H.264 […]