Colours on the upcoming iPhone 5S? A look at Apple’s current iPhone strategy

First and foremost, I am willing to believe, that the news of the coloured iPhone 5S/6 this year is real – even before the recent spat of reports, a little bird from the Far East gave me the heads-up on the coloured iPhones. The same sweet chirpy told me about production trial runs of metallic […]

“Best Cases for the iPhone 4S in Singapore” review series – Fabrix Cases’ Fifth October (Steve Jobs Tribute) Sleeve for the iPhone 4S

Fabrix Cases sent me one of their latest sleeves, the special edition Fifth October sleeve. The Fifth October sleeve is a special edition sleeve designed and made as a tribute to Steve Jobs, the greatest among us who have ever lived, who gave meaning to many people’s lives, including my own. Fifth October, the name […]

The 2011 M1 iPhone 4S Launch

While I didn’t go to any of the launches myself, that doesn’t mean no one went to one on my behalf. The guy arguably is a lousy photographer with a really outdated camera phone, but it beats having nothing at all. Here’s two shots from the M1 Paragon Launch on the evening of the 27th. […]

A tale of iPhones – The 4, the 4S and a little bit of the Origin

Yeah yeah I know. I didn’t join the Starhub queue. I had a Starhub guy come to my place to give me my iPhone 4S in the comfort of my living room at 12pm sharp yesterday. Truth be told, I would love to go to the Singtel launch even though I’m not re-contracting with them […]

Starhub’s Prices and Launch Details for iPhone 4S in Singapore

Starhub. Probably the worst service and the worst iPhone prices. Hate them.

Singtel’s Prices and Launch Details for iPhone 4S in Singapore

And here are the details for Singtel’s launch. Have already received the news days ago that Singtel’s launch won’t be in Marina Bay Sands this year but rather “in town”, though Suntec won’t be that far off from last year’s location. Parking is a bitch though. Singtel’s launch starts 12:01am at Suntec Convention Hall 402, […]

M1’s Prices and Launch Details for iPhone 4S in Singapore

Was really waiting for all carriers to come up with their prices before posting this, but I guess I can’t be bothered to wait for Starhub. M1 was the earliest with their prices, and these were released since last Friday. M1’s launch is a first come first served event at 12am at the usual Paragon […]


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Steve Jobs (1955-2011)


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