“What are you doing on Xmas eve?”

Today’s Christmas Eve and I thought I would go around asking some of my friends what they will be doing tonight. And got some really boring answers!

Yandao Hansen: “Er… Playing FF4 at home.” (Hansen is the President of the NUS Mac User Group, MacNUS)

Hosono: “Catching a show (I am Legend), then going for some drinks”

Boon: “Nothing. Why?” Me: “Just asking lor” Boon: “haha I tot you have great plans.”

Songwen: “Going to my cosplay friend’s house. X’mas party lor.”

Valerie: “Huh? Erm chionging (rushing) homework?”

Siewmei: “Staying at home for dinner lo.”

Jax: “Go watch movies leh. With girls! Hehehe”

Hell manz. Seems like people around me all lead boring lives. Oh me? What I will be doing tonight? Hahz… Well I guess I will be sitting in front of my Mac yet again, like what I have been doing for the past four years’ X’mas Eves.

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