Bungie, Microsoft, Halo – Yeah right

So Bungie left Microsoft (sort of). Finally. What’s on the radar for them next then? One wonders if Apple will be benefiting from this split. After all, it’s not so long ago that we were watching Bungie talking to us about the great new Mac game Halo on the Mac platform during one of Steve’s […]

Apple Store’s down. Is Leopard coming?

Thursday morning 0735hrs. A strange hour and day for the Apple Store to be down, as that is usually reserved for Tuesday nights. Is Leopard coming? Edit: Nothing again.

Official Unlocked iPhones in Singapore? Sounds fishy

Over at the hardwarezone forums, someone by the nick of mrxhub1 is claiming that a local distributor is bringing in unlocked versions of the iPhone, and that these are local sets with local warranty. He also claims that all the iPhones are approved for sale in Singapore by Apple Singapore, and that they are currently […]

iLife@iShop event by MacNUS

MacNUS held a closed-door hands-on seminar entitled iLife@iShop, just one week after their “Welcome to the Mac, Again” event, at iShop. This event was limited to a small number of participants and was given by Mr. Junior Tan of Apple Singapore. Some images here. More on their flickr site.

Brand new Aluminium (silver and black!!) MacBooks in October!!!

I am very very excited about this piece of news. According to 9to5Mac, the same guys whom, with the help of their chinese spies, revealed to the world the shape of the new iPod Nano and the presence of the iPod Touch way before everyone else, Apple is preparing to ship brand new MacBooks in […]

iPod Touch Screen Problems

The recent big news about the iPod Touch is that a lot of the 16GB ones reportedly have a hardware display problem which renders them almost unviewable/usable. However, apparently the hardware problem has been fixed in the latest iPod Touches that are made in production week 38 and after, as many readers on macrumors.com have […]

Coming writeup on iPod Classic’s audio codec “problem”

Seems that the iPod Classic’s been given the bashing by a lot of iPod lovers lately over Apple’s discussion to change suppliers for the audio codec from wolfson to cirrus logic, in order to maximise profits. I personally don’t think too much of the issue, but since it will be of interest to those who […]

New iPod Touch available in Singapore

Finally, some reliable sources tell MacRyu.com that the iPod Touch will be on sale from tomorrow onwards, at iShop only! Who’s going down tomorrow to check the Touch out? ME! Edit: Argh. Wrong info after all. iShop has the stock in already but they refuse to sell.

MacNUS Seminar Series No. 1 – Welcome to the Mac, Again

So MacNUS, easily the biggest tertiary based Mac user group in Singapore, has started off the new academic year with the first of their traditional year-long seminar series. This one is entitled “Welcome to the Mac, Again” as opposed to last year’s “The Power of X”. Last night’s event was split into 3 main sections, […]

Where is the iPod Touch?

Shipping on 28th Sep, or so says the Apple Online Store. But according to here and many other sites, the iPod Touch has already hit many places in the United States! So where the hack are they? My Apple Online Store Order Status is still “Shipping on 28th Sept, deliver by 1st Oct”. ARGH!!!! According […]

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MacRyu is the Mac Blog by Singaporeans and for Singaporeans. It was started in April 2007 as a side project of the then President of the Official Mac User Group of NUS, Ryu, and grew to become possibly one of the most popular Apple-related sites based in Singapore. MacRyu hopes to provide you with more Mac-related info, thoughts and stuff, from the Singaporean perspective.

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