The new iPods

Woah… So the thingy finally cooled down. We’ll get on with the hot topic right now, which is obviously, the new iPods! As we all (or rather, we, the Mac fanboys and fangers) know, the new iPods are looking like a pretty nice update from the previous line. As with the previous update in […]

Horrible mistake by NS Portal admins/writers

Check out this page. Some idiot from the NS Portal actually used a picture of Steve Jobs in an article about Microsoft Powerpoint. This is totally absurb and unacceptable. So someone shot them an email. Here is the email replicated in its (almost) entirety. “Dear in charge, I refer to your article posted at http://……. […]

Apple Special Event Sep 5 “The Beat goes on” (tonight!!)

Well, so we heard from the various Mac rumor sites that new iPods are coming out during the special event this coming Wednesday (10pm Singapore Time tonight), so MacRyu thought we will just sort out the various information that has been moving around the Mac rumor world the past few days. 1. New iPods This […]

iPhone in Singapore? Singtel Forerunner? *Edited*

While everyone is busy speculating about the rumours of the iPhone Nano or which carrier will carry the iPhone in Europe, back in home in Singapore there is one claim by an insider that the iPhone will be here by the end of this year, instead of 2008 as announced by Steve Jobs during MacWorld […]

New interface for iPod Nanos?

The MacFlauaus Weblog is hosting several videos which was claimed to be the new interface for the next generation iPod Nanos. The videos were originally hosted on MacRumors but were given the cease and desist order by Apple legal, lending creditability to the claim that these videos are real. Overall though, the videos look pretty […]

New MacBook Pros this coming Tuesday!!!

Macrumors reported that the new MacBook Pros widely speculated to be available at WWDC (June 11th), will actually be launched earlier this coming Tuesday. If you ask me, I’m putting my money on the MBPs coming out this Tuesday. Don’t know why but I just have that feeling. Hehz.

iPhone to spot more features than announced?

ViM3 has a blog post regarding the upcoming iPhone, stating that the final product will actually be sporting much more features than previously announced, including more than the earlier stated 4GB and 8GB flash memory in the 2 models. They claimed the following features; -More Memory, substantially larger than what was announced at MacWorld -User […]

Buying a Mac in Singapore

Popular traveller-blogger-journalist and Mac evangelist Adrianna Tan posted in her blog Popagandhi more than a year ago, her tips to those buying their first Mac in Singapore. It’s a very well-done post, and I thought I’ll reproduce it in its entirety here, with permission from her of course. “Lots of people are buying Macs now. […]

Al Gore for President?

Time Magazine ran an article entitled “The Last Temptation of Al Gore” on once-presidential candidate and Apple board member Al Gore, talking about his recent activities. Time also question if Core will run for president again, to which, Steve Jobs was quoted as saying “If he ran, there’s no question in my mind that he […]

iMacs Redesigned?

Steve Jobs and the unveiling of the original iMac G3 The original iMac was largely responsible from bringing Apple back from its ashes in the late nineties, after screwed-up CEOs such as Scully brought the once-mighty Apple to its knees in the 1994-1997 period. When Steve Jobs (all hail the God!!) came back he axed […]


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Steve Jobs (1955-2011)


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