Singtel Prices for the iPhone 5s and the iPhone 5c in Singapore!

Click on the image to view it in full size. This year’s prices are quite a bit higher, due to the fluctuation in exchange rates. It is however, interesting to note that the iPhone 5c is only retailing at $318 at the lite plan (the plan most Singaporeans will pick), while the iPhone 5s is […]

iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C Singapore Launch Date 2013

Pic sourced from AppAdvice As of today’s information, we in Singapore will be getting the new iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C on… 20th September 2013, Friday. Mark your calendars. Stay at home and wait for the Starhub carrier. Or go queue at your local M1 shop.

There is no longer a Mac community in Singapore

And it shows. The grand total attendance, of the Mac User Group Singapore (MUGS) meet-up recently, is ONE. That is despite MUGS having over 200 members, and having the event details casted out on every form of social media I could think of. This is enough reason for me to tell myself to just move […]

Mac User Group Singapore Meetup 05/2013

We are holding a MUGS (Mac User Group Singapore) meet up this coming Wednesday evening, the first in three years. Other than myself, there might not be anyone else attending. In the last three years, while raw numbers of Mac and iOS users have just exploded, the close-knitted Mac community some of us valued over […]

M1 and Singtel Price Plans for iPhone 5 in Singapore

Ahhhh… After a horrible day yesterday I am now sure I am switching from Singtel to M1. Why? You ask. Cause I just can’t stand Singtel’s ways anymore. Everything wrong with Singtel reflects everything that is wrong with this country. And here are the M1 prices. And here are the Singtel prices, sourced from Lester […]

Launch date for iPhone 5 in Singapore and other iPhone 5 tidbits

Just a few hours left to the iPhone 5 introduction tomorrow early morning, so let us run through some information that we already know as fact. What we already know as fact; 1. iPhone 5 will be released in the States on the 21st. (WSJ) 2. iPhone 5 will be released in Singapore on the […]

Some Apple Store (retail) related news

The Hong Kong Apple Store at IFC This came in recently from another source (not the same one as my previous article on the Apple Store in Singapore). Do take it with a pinch of salt though, I’m not sure how accurate this is. In the latest report released in June on the next batches […]

iPad 3rd Generation Singapore Launch at M1 Paragon

Just some quick photos before I go to sleep. And an iPad Launch won’t be an iPad Launch without scalpers, with a big bunch of them gathering at Starbucks after purchase to get paid by the big boss. Oh and here’s my iPad. P.S. I’m going to Singapore Polytechnic in the morning for the notebook […]

The Apple Store is Coming to Singapore

Image Credits: RyuWorks on Flickr Fact: the Apple Store (physical) for Singapore is almost ready. For many years Japan was the only country in Asia with official Apple Stores, staffed by peeps wearing real Apple T shirts and geniuses who will solve all your Mac problems.  Then the China Apple Stores happened. And then so […]

My iPad 3 Predictions

Wednesday night (or Thursday morning) is iPad 3 day, and here are my predictions; 1. No LTE Sorry, but LTE is really just not feasible in anywhere besides the States right now. In fact, it really isn’t even that feasible within the States, where LTE coverage is really less than ideal. 2. Retina Display, 2X […]


MacRyu is the Mac Blog by Singaporeans and for Singaporeans. It was started in April 2007 as a side project of the then President of the Official Mac User Group of NUS, Ryu, and grew to become possibly one of the most popular Apple-related sites based in Singapore. MacRyu hopes to provide you with more Mac-related info, thoughts and stuff, from the Singaporean perspective.

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