I am now part of Tech65

Oh man. I didn’t realised that Tech65 has already announced this. So yeah, I am now part of Tech65 as one of their new crew members among others such as DK and Nicole. So what does this all mean? At least for me personally, this will mean the following; 1. I will be more committed […]

Oh, by the way, this is the real answer…….

I’ll try to find the fucking time to post some pics and stuff…. I guess.

Diamond Conversion

Diamond Conversion: The process of creating a one-in-a-million die-hard Mac/Apple convert. This particular convert will himself, without fail, convert many other thousands of people in years to come. My latest Diamond Convert He’s so going to kill me for posting this photo. LOL.

Top ten “I’m a PC” advertisements!

1. “I’m a PC, and I irritate the hell out of office workers by crashing when they need me the most” 2. “I’m a PC, and I can do everything, including stealing your internet banking passwords and giving them to thieves” 3. “I’m a PC, and I carry batteries that explode during major conferences” 4. […]

Mac Mini to be discontinued?

http://www.macrumors.com/2008/10/21/mac-mini-to-be-discontinued/ ……looks like my wish of having a Mac Mini Media Centre won’t come true after all. Oh well. Big deal.

They are the Answers. The Question here is, however, Which One?

Will it be this…… …….or this?

I really love this one… LOL

65 Bits Episode 92 and 93

Yeah I know I had been slow with the posting and stuff, but am really engrossed in trying to find a way to get one of the “bricks”, either the smaller one or the bigger one. They are just so, so, sweet. Anyway, these days I have been, thanks to the kind invitations from the […]

The Easiest Ways to Disable Data on your iPhone 3G / 3GS

This is for those poor souls who got served a 200SGD bill from Singtel because they didn’t read my article on the dangers of getting an iPhone without a data plan or read it way too late. To disable data on your iPhone if you don’t have a data plan, the easiest way is to […]

Why people should stop whining about getting their apps rejected from the App Store

Great article by Applematters on just why people should just stop whining about having apps like Mail and iTunes alternatives rejected from the iPhone App Store. If you want to complain so much, let me offer you some alternative platforms, the darkside platform called Windows Mobile, the only-just-recently-caught-on-despite-so-many-years-of-development Symbian platform, and the we-want-to-be-apple-and-we-hate-microsoft Google Android […]

About MacRyu.com

MacRyu is the Mac Blog by Singaporeans and for Singaporeans. It was started in April 2007 as a side project of the then President of the Official Mac User Group of NUS, Ryu, and grew to become possibly one of the most popular Apple-related sites based in Singapore. MacRyu hopes to provide you with more Mac-related info, thoughts and stuff, from the Singaporean perspective.

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