Why one should never buy a Dell monitor online

The story: I needed a new lcd monitor, decided to get a cheap one, found a good deal on the Dell online store, and made my order. Hours later they called, said that it was an error in pricing, and if I do not cancel my purchase they will process my order with a much […]

How to move Safari 4’s tabs to the original position…and other hidden preferences!

My friend Brandon tipped me off to this great site which provides info on Safari 4’s hidden preferences, including the option to put Safari 4’s tabs in their original position (as per Safari 3). Quoting Random Genius: “……Having a quick poke through the new Safari binary yields the following strings: $ strings /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari | grep […]

Where NOT to buy a Mac from in Singapore

Singapore Mac users, let me pose a question to you. Where did you buy your last Mac? In recent years, due to the sudden increase of the popularity of Macs, many local computer and consumer electronics chain jumped on board the Apple bandwagon and became Apple resellers. Which spiked a lot of comments of the […]

MacRyu.com site stats

In a totally Mac-unrelated post, these are my stats for MacRyu.com. While the numbers are nowhere near anything I define as “high”, my Google Ads earnings of 3 USD for the whole of 2008 sounds really sad. I wonder if I did anything wrong, or if this is normal? Not looking to earn any decent […]

I Believe in Steve Jobs

Yeah so I am upset about the Steve Jobs health issue. Not upset because I think he lied to us, but upset because he is sick. Yes we all know that Steve Jobs is mortal, and he is already in his fifties. Having probably the highest profile job in the whole of the tech industry […]

Possibly the ugliest Mac app ever released by a major software company

Gizmodo’s Jesus Diaz tries to cover Steve Jobs’ health screwup through misleading article

Gizmodo and Jesus Diaz is getting out of hand. Instead of posting some kind of apology for screwing up the Apple stock prices after the release of Steve’s and Apple’s statement earlier today, they went again and posted a disgusting article about how they were right after all. Are they? In this original article, they […]

Steve Jobs is alive and well!! (Not exactly 100% healthy, but definitely not in a life threatening situation)

Steve Jobs and Apple released public statements with regards to Steve Jobs’ health today. As expected, Steve Jobs has been suffering from an hormone imbalance which caused him to lose weight rapidly throughout the past year. It has been widely speculated that the condition was an after effect of his procedure to cure him of […]

Macworld predictions roundup

We are 5 days away from the holy mecca of all Mac fans – Macworld Expo. As usual, there are many last minute rumors flooding the Mac rumors sites. Will do a listing of all the rumors listed on Macrumors.com so far. Basically, we have the following; 1. iWork and iMovie to become online apps […]

MacRyu.com is not dead

Yes yes yes… I haven’t been posting in a while. Have been busy with work and my Japan trip which just ended. Lost my camera bag there, but luckily received the news this morning that it has been found. So am working hard at retrieving the thing. When I get everything settled, I will be […]

About MacRyu.com

MacRyu is the Mac Blog by Singaporeans and for Singaporeans. It was started in April 2007 as a side project of the then President of the Official Mac User Group of NUS, Ryu, and grew to become possibly one of the most popular Apple-related sites based in Singapore. MacRyu hopes to provide you with more Mac-related info, thoughts and stuff, from the Singaporean perspective.

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Steve Jobs (1955-2011)


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