Macworld “What’s ’64-bit’ in Snow Leopard?”

Finally, an article that makes sense and addresses the nonsensical complaints from freaking idiots that “Snow Leopard isn’t 64-bit because it doesn’t run the 64-bit kernel”.

Product Review: Targus USB Hub for Mac “(Why I think) Targus believes that Mac users are suckers for anything made from White Plastic”

Let me say this once and for all – USB hubs are generic devices. There are only two different types of USB Hubs, powered and unpowered. And the only difference between them is the inclusion of a power adapter, resulting in a higher price for the powered ones. The Targus USB Hub is obviously a […]

MacNUS App Reviews Series No. 1 – iGV

I will be starting a iPhone/iPod Touch app review series with this post. Thought of doing this since a very very long time ago, but never really managed to kick myself in the back enough for me to actually sit up and type something. So there are way too many iPhone/iPod Touch app review sites […]

“We never used PCs” School throws out working Macs

This is exactly the kind of website that a school who proclaims that they never use Macs is only capable of. I won’t expect much of the kids who study there. Read the original story here. Pictures of the Macs destined for trash are available here.

Why school-based Mac User Groups are a terrible idea

This is a tale of something good going horribly bad when it falls into the wrong hands. I was probably the first person who really injected life into the establishment known as MacNUS, despite not being the founder. Lots of events, lots of ideas for improvement, lots of pushing the establishment and improving the status […]

Words of idiocy from idiots

28th July 2009 Girl working at Apple booth, sent from Apple SG: “The current Mini Displayport adapters totally don’t work for doing presentations. My old MacBook and MacBook Air adapters do, but the new ones don’t. Apple probably got something wrong in the design”. 29th July 2009 Guy working at Apple booth, sent from Apple […]

Letter to Apple Singapore Educational Sales Dept

“Dear N, I am sending this email on behalf of Team MacNUS (MacNUS EXCO 2006/07). We are very disappointed that the sales team at Apple Singapore has decided that the Mac sales at the NUS Matriculation Fair should be just like a PC sales affair, with lots of sales people fighting over potential sales and […]

Singtel iPhone 3GS prices for iOne plan (the best choice for heavy data users)

Singtel iPhone 3GS Prices (iOne plan) 16GB – $698 32GB – $848 iPhone 3G 8GB – $548 Straight from the oven!!!!

iShop is dead

So it finally came. For the past few months, rumors have been floating around that iShop was going to shut its doors and leave the Apple business forever. There are people who doubt the rumors, saying that there is no way in hell that someone as famous as the person who made F1 in Singapore […]

Microsoft’s latest “Laptop Hunters” ad


MacRyu is the Mac Blog by Singaporeans and for Singaporeans. It was started in April 2007 as a side project of the then President of the Official Mac User Group of NUS, Ryu, and grew to become possibly one of the most popular Apple-related sites based in Singapore. MacRyu hopes to provide you with more Mac-related info, thoughts and stuff, from the Singaporean perspective.

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